Channel: Heath Parks » Batman Geek
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Jay and Ryanne, The Visit!


Ok, I know I said I would be writing about my experiences moving from Blogger to WordPress in this post. But as it’s Video Blogging Week 2008, I had to share this first. I will talk about my move this week, I promise.

This past week, Jay and Ryanne dropped in on their way to Virgina. I have to tell you all, I can’t say enough good things about them, they are just great people. This was our second time meeting Jay for an extended period and our first with Ryanne. We did talk a bit at the winnies as you see, but we didn’t have a lot of time to chat then. The last time Jay visited, I didn’t get any video and I swore I would not let that happen again. It almost did! We were having so much fun just talking and eating that I didn’t film as nearly as much as I thought I would. But hey when you are having fun, whatca going to do? But I did get some footage and I have to say this is one of my personal favorite video’s. It’s not great camera work, it’s not the best editing job I have done, heck the color is off a couple of times, (I was using my Cannon SD1000 still cam), but it’s just a fun video. It takes me back to that moment in time and what I really think is cool is that it’s a reminder of all the good times I have had with family and friends. Just a small slice of life, that in time would be forgotten, but now…..but now I can remember whenever I want and I can share with you that moment. Man, I love vlogging……

For those of you who may not know Jay and Ryanne, check them out. Glenna and I were talking the next morning and Glenna told me that she felt that they were changing the world, and I couldn’t agree more. I believe that they are living a life of purpose. I personaly think that is the coolest thing there is. So enjoy these small moments when Jay and Ryanne met Mr and Mrs Batman Geek! 😉

Ipod, Quicktime and Windows

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